Why Choose Me?


Who is Lauretta Carroll?

I am a 70-year-old retired electrical engineer, Caltech and Cornell educated. I’m an African American mom who is outspoken and straight shooting.

Here at My Mommy Bootcamp, I will share my parenting journey, my lived experience, that prepared two remarkable young men for life.

I must disclose that I am not a professional educator. I am not a child psychologist. I am not a doctor of anything.

I am just a mommy who got her sons in and out of college before my mommy powers dissipated and before they turned 19 and their child support ran out.

Yes, your mommy powers dissipate when your sons turn 18 or so … sometimes sooner if you are truly unlucky. (UHH … you didn’t know you had mommy powers? We’ll talk about that later.)

Another small note … I am the mother of sons. Throughout my program I will refer to kids in the masculine gender. No offense to those of you who have daughters. I am sure my suggestions will work with daughters too.

That being said ... let’s get started.

Oh yes ... here is a link to a little bit of my backstory ... enjoy! 


The mission of My Mommy Bootcamp is simple. I help parents develop a long-term game plan that will lead their children to academic excellence. Then, I help the parents execute the plan in a manner that nourishes and uplifts the child’s spirit.

I believe “a competitive college application starts in primary school.”